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For a full range of night vision products visit our NIGHTVISION.SK

Rugged SuppressorsRugged Suppressors
Trijicon MRO
CMMG BansheeCMMG Banshee
Kimber MICROKimber MICRO
KIMBER RevolversKIMBER Revolvers
CMMG Banshee, Rugged SuppressorsCMMG Banshee, Rugged Suppressors
KIMBER Super Carry Custom HDKIMBER Super Carry Custom HD
Night Vision monocular LVLMi-14Night Vision monocular LVLMi-14, EOTech 552
Laser Devices DBAL-A3Laser Devices DBAL-A3
Night Vision Dedal D542Night Vision Dedal D542
slide 1
slide 2
Laser Devices DBAL A2Laser Devices DBAL-A2
Accuracy International AX338 aAccuracy International AX .338 Lapua Magnum
Accuracy International AX338 bAccuracy International AX .338 Lapua Magnum

Tanfoglio Stock III

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Manufacturer: Tanfoglio


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Tanfoglio  guns competition pistols

Double action semi automatic pistol for I.P.S.C. - Production Class - competitions. In the Stock III model has the cylindric barrel, the slide has large serrations for easier operation, amidextrous safety, the frame has a longer fore end up to the slide muzzle for a better balancing of the pistol and a a picatinny base for the assembly of tactical lights and/or laser devices , the custom magazine catch and walnut checkered grips. In the pistol case there are: the cleaning set and one spare magazine.

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